Flower Friday : : Crocosmia

It's not unfurled yet and appears every year in front of the gas meter with no encouragement from us. It's hot today, probably in the 90's, so the fact that it's growing next to the bedroom door was also appealing. I liked it's resemblance to some sort of exotic reptile. 

If I were a more organized quilter, or better at figuring out yardage and design, I probably wouldn't have had to make my second trip this week to the fabric store on the other side of town for supplies for Peter's graduation quilt. I don't really enjoy going to this particular store because they seem disorganized and not always very helpful, but today's experience was certainly an improvement over Tuesday's.

I couldn't find a bolt of fusible interfacing of the same weight I bought on Tuesday, but a particular clerk was dispatched to help me because she was the 'finder'. Sure enough, she looked through some untidily stacked piles of bolts and found exactly what I wanted. Despite the fact that I had spent ages looking for it on my own, it took her about two minutes.

Another clerk cut all my fabric and then patiently helped me download an app on my phone which gave me a 25% discount...According to my friend Tobi, they always have specials and coupons, and if you pay full price for anything in this store, you paid too much. The hard part is figuring out which coupons apply and whether you have the right ones...Tobi says you can pay $20 and get 20% off everything you buy for a year, but that just doesn't seem right...Why don't they just charge less without the customer having to pay for the privilege of paying less?

Call me snobby, but I'd just as soon pay a little more, know what it's going to cost, and not have to keep track of a bagful of coupons, punch cards and discount offers and especially, not having to remember a password for an app!

Thanks, Biker Bear, for continuing to give us an excuse to go out and take pictures of flowers....

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