Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Farne Islands

I’ve returned from a two-day trip to the Northumberland coast, Coquet Island and the Farne Islands. I went on an organised trip with 4 other people, three of whom I’d never met before. We had a wonderful time.

I am blipping the ‘mandatory’ puffin shots, but we saw and recorded many other birds including the Sandwich Tern, the Little Tern, the Artic Tern and the rare Roseate Tern. In the extras I have included a shot of a bridled guillemot. A small percentage of guillemots have white eye rings and a well-defined stripe behind the eyes.

In addition to visiting the islands we managed to visit some beautiful nature reserves along the coast. Birds seen: house martins, sand martins, skylarks, swallows, swifts, sedge warbler, little plover and many others.

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