
By bananablip

Glorious Sunday

I'd been told to expect a very early start from the boys, especially as Jonah is tending to wake with the sunrise at the moment. Guess which sucker was awake at 5am waiting for any signs of stirring? Yup. They stirred occasionally but kept dozing until 7am by which point I was definitely ready for the day to start.

Eggs for breakfast ('I want eggs and toast but not with the eggs touching the toast'), I realised that I probably need to invest in some egg cups ('I did a burp and it smelled like eggs').

Off to the playground for some zip-lining then back to the house to see all the Moores again (plus great-grandma Moore). 

Waved them all off and then straight round to the club house to watch the game. Strange (and a bit boring) to watch and England game without your heart in your mouth, waiting for defeat. 

Back for some sunbathing on the lawn and then a walk on the Shropshire Way.

Why can't weekends last forever?

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