Dolly's bathroom bomb site

It's been a busy day! I took Kiki to the vet this morning, her abscess seems to be playing up again! Ingeborg could see some pus in her mouth around her tooth, same as before, which might be why she wasn't feeling great yesterday! She is now getting anothe course of oral baytril, which she hates the taste of! We are also switching eye drops from fucidin to chloramphenicol, she'll hate the taste of those too, I can attest to that! Ingeborg is going to contact the exotics specialist too, hopefully get an idea of what to do next!

The guys arrived to start the bathroom at 8am and they had gotten as far as the extra by 10am! I missed most of it because I was at work, definitely a good move! My main blip is where we are this evening, not bad progress so far! Kiki and I took a trip through to inspect it, I think she approves, she always hated the bath!

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