
This morning started with me scurrying away from work and to the horses. I had a thoroughly lovely ride out on Brie who was remarkably chilled out.

A quick pop in to Prentice HQ for lunch with the In-Laws then off to Evie with the woofers to comb the beach.

I was just considering a zoom out on Zip-a-dee when word came from Gorgeous that he was on his way home from work. We faffed about a bit then shoveled pizza down our cake holes before heading out.

We had arranged to meet up with Silverback and his Gorgeous Legs again this evening. There had been a rare sighting of a T-Rex at the Stones of Stenness and we were keen to photograph it. We got there in time and were lucky enough to observe this fine beast for a while. We then headed on to the Ring of Brodgar and finally Happy Valley.

After a busy period at work and a busy day...I is a bit pooped.

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