Mommy Daughter day

This phone pic will have to do until I get round to uploading my camera pics!
Danny & I split the kids/tasks today...Asha & I had jobs first thing and then hopped on a bus to San An to get to our team meeting. We popped by our friend's bar on the way...good as ever to see her!
After the meeting Asha & I had lunch then bussed it back home, before realising we were locked out. Not to worry though, we bumped into a friend in a café. Also saw one of our homeless friends, Maya...she gave Sinead and I a mini shoulder massage - she was GOOD!
Caña Club tonight...then home and just had time with Josh's family... he'll probably be moved to the UK in the next 2 weeks...the damage to his brain is extensive...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha being so delighted to potter round with me.
2) A lovely phonecall with my uncle Trev.
3) Seeing Chicho from Sa Penya tonight.

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