The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

At Odds With Nature

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We had a lovely lazy start to the day. We made pancakes and sat chatting at the kitchen table. I had suggested going to the beach but we had a couple of things to do in the garden so the Youngest Mini Princess suggested a ‘family gardening afternoon.

All I am going to say is that ‘family gardening’ does not equate to family harmony! YMP was tasked with sweeping up the hedge trimmings. This was clearly victimisation as her task was the most booooooooring. A fact which she reminded us of at 2 minute intervals,

Thankfully, she recovered from this slave labour and we had a lovely BBQ later. YMP and I had made a cheesecake earlier in the day. I think we’ll stick to baking for our bonding activities!


PS This ring embedded in the rock at the top of Blackford Hill has been bugging me for ages. Turns out it was once used to tether a balloon belonging to the Edinburgh University Balloon Club!

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