Fitted freight leaves for Rolvenden

A wonderful day under the watchful eye of an assistant signalling inspector at Tenterden Town station where I’m learning to work the signalbox there.

A much simpler set up than Wittersham as it is a terminus so the trains only come and go in one direction. However, there’s much more going on with passenger, staff and all the comings and goings. And as with all things new, there is so much to learn with each box having its own idiosyncrasies.

The weather was superb, bright sunshine but with a cooling breeze which made for a perfect day, not the stifling heat that many parts of the country are experiencing.

Today’s blip is of an unusual working at the end of the day. The last train down is usually the light engine returning to Rolvenden except today that engine was being used to take a works train with trucks full of junk and a steam crane back down the hill. All good fun but it delayed us for about half an hour but who would begrudge that?

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