
A day off work which was rudely occupied with hospital appointments and generally sweltering. This is Eve taking an evening dip in a laundry basket pool and wondering why we don’t have a paddling pool like other families. The extra shows Z enjoying watermelon after taking supplies up to the firefighters on the hill near Jessie’s house. He was featured on the Derbyshire fire and rescue service social media pages and was pleased as punch to have taken refreshments.

The moorland fires are massive now and the smell of smoke was heavy at the hospital this morning.

I was scanned in one of the few air conditioned rooms in the maternity unit but told that the labour ward is boiling hot and windows are closed to keep the smoke out.... yikes! Thankfully, baby is in normal range size-wise and that means no intervention required. There’s time for the fires to be extinguished and the windows opened before baby arrives.... (not that it’s all about me)!

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