
By negihime

sugar apple

i think this fruit is a relative of the cherimoya. they look the same in the inside. plus their texture and taste are very similar. i was excited to find this one in the kitchen. it's been awhile since i had one. except...

// Warning, grossness ahead. Don't read if you're the queasy kind.

...unpleasantness awaited me in this one.

see that brown spot at the bottom right corner? when i peeled it off, it exposed a family of tiny little white worms/larvae squirming about (i'm gonna guess they're fruit fly larvae). it made me shudder, but not enough to waste a good fruit. so i got a spoon and scooped them out.

then i peeled off another brown spot and found another group of larvae. no problem. i scooped them out again. the rest of the fruit looks normal and intact. then another brown spot. scooped them out. except by this time, i've already scooped out a quarter of the fruit. since the larvae are the same color as the fruit flesh, they're hard to spot. i saw some escaped further into the fruit. i can hardly enjoy the fruit now.

i became paranoid and start peeling the flesh strip by strip. whenever my hand feel tingly or ticklish, i was afraid the larvae got onto me (and sometimes when you're paranoid, your mind invent those tingly feeling for you). sure enough i found two of them on me. i dropped the fruit into a bowl and hurried to wash my hand.

at this point i had enough and decided it wasn't worth it and tossed out the fruit. sigh.


such a waste :\

// end of grossness

yeah, exciting day. yay...

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