
Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for...

There I was last night moaning about my lack of blipportunities due to the weather and limited daylight and busy schedule and today I managed an interesting daytime blip, however it came at a price - 2 sick children!!

Freya woke up with her third bout of tonsillitis in a month and Noah was coughing literally every 2 minutes from the moment he woke up and used up the last of his inhaler to no effect. As a result I had to stay home until I could phone the doctor, take them both to get seen, drop prescriptions into chemist, pick up medicinal hot chocolate, collect prescriptions and get them settled back in the house! I was really worried about them both but the nurser has taken a swab of Freya's tonsils to see why it's not going away and has given her another course of penicillin. The doctor listened to Noah's chest and was happy with it so he just got 2 new inhalers and should be fine.

I don't like the idea of her having so many antibiotics, she's been on penicillin for 18 out of 26 days! The tonsilitis appears to go away but four days after the course of treatment has ended it comes back. Hopefully her swab will tell us something about the nature of her tonsilitis and the best course of treatment. They only start to think about removing tonsils if you suffer 5 bouts in a 12 month period so I'm hoping this one will go away and leave her in peace for a while.

Fortunately Carlos has the day off tomorrow so I can go about my business and leave the invalids in his care.

The interesting thing about this shot is that you don't often see Cal Mac ferries sailing out of Gourock anymore since they were replaced by the miniature Argyll passenger ferries to Dunoon but the Argyll ferry is having a makeover so they may have brought in the Cal Mac as a temporary replacement or it might be due to the slight swell which the wee baby ship doesn't cope with so well.

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