
By Lenore

A big day... a big week!

I got the job!!! 

Had a call this morning 'how did you think yesterday went' - given I was up in the night worrying about how I could have done better, it wasn't the most positive of answers.  The response was, that the call was to offer me the job -and when can I start.. Utterly, utterly delighted.  

Back to reality this afternoon with a trip to hospital for the eldest to have something checked out - all fine.  The boys thought the double whammy of a train ride, then a tram ride was the best thing ever.  I got to have a coffee with my sister and have a hug in celebration of my news.  

That, and we sold our flat.  So I think we're doing a good job in keeping ourselves very busy! 

The boys and I had quite a wait for our train coming home, they entertained themselves (only nearly running onto the busy street a couple of times),  but also spent a bit of time lapping up the sun in the entrance to the station.  I thought the light was lovely. 

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