This morning I needed to go downtown for an appointment. It was a good way to test my limbs! I missed one bus, so walked to the next bus-stop. On the way, I saw a small branch from a lime tree lying on the path. The wind has been so strong for the past few days.
So I picked up the small branch and when I got home, popped it into a vase. It is simple and unassuming and the bracts are a delicate shade of lime green.
I love Lime (or Linden) trees at this time of the year and how their flowers seduce us with their sweet balmy perfumes towards the evening.
There are many stories about Linden trees. I like this one taken from Greek mythology:
Homer, Horace, Virgil, and Pliny mention the linden tree and its virtues. As Ovid tells the old story of Baucis and Philemon, she was changed into a linden and he into an oak when the time came for them both to die.
How lovely to be turned into a tree when we leave this earth.
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