A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Just returned from shopping for some trainers & football boots for J. This morning, the local radio was talking about shopping and how shops were losing out to online sales. Perhaps if shops actually had in stock the right size of any one of the several pairs we wanted to buy, they might actually be viable entities.

By chance we spotted these, which turned out to be somewhat cheaper than any other pair we asked about. I guess we win; but do I get that bit of my life back?

Now looking online for those unavailable pairs...

Not that J actually plays football, but apparently these are required for Ultimate Frisbee.

Day One of the 2-day Project Management training course I run at work from time to time.

As has become tradition, I turn up in a suit rather than the usual jeans & trainers. The logic being that such courses are typically a grand a pop, and you get some guy in a suit getting you to make bridges out of eggs and rubber bands. By wearing a suit, therefore, I save the company quite a few grand and they get a far more useful course.

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