....my love and a Molotov cocktail......

Completely at a loss for a blip tonight so I looked in the Book of Days for inspiration.

Today, November 8th 1986 Soviet politician Vyacheeslav Molotov died.

He is wrongly credited with the invention of the petrol bomb (Molotov cocktail), but in fact the name was coined by the Finns in the Winter War of November 1939 in response to Molotov's claim that the Soviets were not bombing Finland but dropping food parcels. The Finns called the bombs Molotov's bread baskets and began to use the glass bottle bombs against Soviet tanks as a "drink to go with your food".

In fact the first recorded use of the "Molotov cocktail" is during the Spanish Civil War on the orders of General Franco.

Also on this day in:

1519 Hernan Cortes captured Montezuma
1895 Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X-rays
1922 Dr Christiaan Barnard pioneer of heart transplants was born..

There you go....don't say I never tell you anything.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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