....the pages are numbered......

My Russian phrasebook, invaluable when I was visiting our partner school in Omsk, Siberia.

About to be in use again next week when our Russian friends visit our school.
It has sections on, transport, shopping, sightseeing, greetings, goodbyes, interests, politics, going out, religion, sport, food, travel essentials, and many more.....but by far the two most popular sections are those on drinking and romance!

The drinking section offers useful advice on how to drink with the locals and just as importantly how to avoid drinking. It's not acceptable in Russia to not drink all you are given so say "Chut, chut" meaning " A little only" as you are being served. If you really don't want to drink try "Ya-li chus at alka-gol-ya". It means "I'm a recovering alcoholic" which will mean that not only are you excused drinking but you will also receive loads of praise from your hosts.

The section on romance caused lots of laughs when the Russians read it.....it gives pick-up lines.........."Kha-tit-ye vih-put sa mnoy", (Would you like a drink?).................lines for when the meeting has progressed......."Mozh-na tib-ya pat-se-la-vat" (Can I kiss you?)........really intimate lines....."Ya kha-chu tib-ya" (I want you!)......."Bih-la chud-yes-na!" ( That was amazing)........lines for when it all goes wrong.. "Ni-chi-vo ya sam zdye-la-yu!" ( Don't worry I'll do it myself!)....even lines for when you really mess up and need to apologise......"Ya piz-da-bol" ( I'm a wanker) ....that one caused lots of laughs.....even lines for breaking up....."Nye sash-ils kha-rak ti-ra-mi" ( We were just too different).

I suspect I might need the drinking section next week.....but not the romance section!

We're catering the week ourselves...... and we have 31 visitors coming....so tomorrow when the pupils go home at 2.30 four of us are cooking meals to be frozen ready for next week........... Jo is doing lasagne, Lisa and hebs are doing enchiladas............and I get to make a chilli for 40 diners! Three years ago I taught Vladimir, Leonid and Dimytar how to make chilli....now I have to cook for the whole party.

Das vidanya moy padruga, da sko-rey fstrye-chi.

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