
By Beewriter


It was a Team day out today and we went to Alton Towers. Mike, Sue and I got the bus into town at the crack of sparrow fart as we were leaving base at 8am. Nineteen of us headed off in the mini buses.

I’m not going on any rides, said Sue. I’m not going on any rides, said Mike. I’m not going on any rides, I said. Everyone headed straight to Oblivion first as we planned to put on our Give Blood t shirts and fill it. Well, blow me, Sue decided to go on it. It was quite good that she did, actually, as it meant all sixteen seats were filled by the team. As Kim is recovering from a traumatic birth she was exempt from all rides, so the three of us watched as they hurtled over the edge into the depths of Oblivion. A very shaky Sue rejoined is afterwards lol

They all then headed to Thirteen and Sue and Mike both decided to go on that nearly finished Sue off! That meant I would be the coward of the company...I had to psyche myself up for something. I gritted my teeth and joined the queue for The Wickerman. Oh.....My..... was, to put it crudely, absolutely bloody awful. I’m ashamed of the language that came out of my mouth as we hurtled round at an obscenely horrendous speed. When my torture came to an end, after what felt like half an hour, I could barely stand as my legs were like jelly and I was shaking all over. I survived...just!

That was it for Sue and I, we’d done more than we thought we would and not completely embarrassed ourselves lol. It was a gloriously hot day and a little trip on the far tamer...not so life threatening...Rapids helped to cool us down. We then chilled with some of group and enjoyed the sun by the lake.

It was a fab day out. Everyone had a great time and it was a great team bonding day. It was a shame that some of the others didn’t come along and join in....hopefully next time.

We were ravenous by the time we arrived back at Plymouth Grove, but we had booked ahead for a table at the very convenient Chinese opposite base. Eleven of us went over and ate and drank well before we all realised we were so weary after our day out that we just needed to get home and fall into bed.

What a great day. What a great team!

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