
By Beewriter

Water hot day!

I had planned to go and swim at the Quays this morning, but after all the fun of yesterday I woke up late and couldn’t get myself into gear.

I nipped into town, but was only in and out on a quick trip. The water fountains were full of people cooling looked so tempting, but I could just imagine the bus driver’s face if I had tried to get on dripping wet! As I arrived home Pat rang and we agreed to go and see the Monton Festival....we drove half way as it was mid afternoon already and walked the rest of the way. Nothing was happening as it is tomorrow!! Doh! Oh well, I upped my steps.

I decided to do a quick bike ride before I chilled for the evening, it was an effort, but I made myself seeing as I had skipped my swim this morning.

I’m completely knackered now and all across my shoulders my muscles are aching from tensing so much on that horrific torture I put myself through yesterday...that will teach me to try and have fun! Ha ha ha

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