New toy

Well, I don't think it's entirely regarded as a toy. 

The lawn-mover, which has never been our friend and always caused problems, finally gave in today.  The husband tried to save it, but I think the temptation of a new lawn mower, or, saying good bye to the old one, was too great.  So off he trotted to B&Q (for the second time in the day) to get a new lawn mower.  He has proclaimed that it will never be his favourite house hold chore, but it's a far nicer one with a working lawn mower. 

Made him home made burgers and a couple of salads to reward his afternoon of work.  The boys, who trailed around after him pretending to also mow the lawn also felt they deserved it. 

As for me, I cut out some beautiful fabric to make a skirt, I've been looking forward to making it for 3 years, only for the husband to point out that I've got the pattern upside down.  

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