Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

First Teeth

Well, not exactly. But my car was in the garage to get a new clutch, so O and I enjoyed a day at home. Just some tidying, washing, cooking, and decluttering. I had thought about a nap as I've had a disturbed sleep for the past week with O, and anaemia is making me really tired, but as usual, we never quite got round to it. I did catch up on the last episode of season 3 of Downton Abbey though - I've really enjoyed it this year and will miss it now it's finished. I hope they are making a 4th series.

O's bottom 2 teeth popped through this morning - probably the cause of the moaning in his sleep! He's 7 1/2 months old. H got her first teeth at 6 months old, and they were swiftly followed by her top 2 teeth - so I wonder if we have another 2 to follow.

My parents dropped my car back (£350 to pay), in time for me to collect H from nursery where she is learning about space. We have our first homework - I have to help her make a rocket out of recyclable materials. Hmmmm, I'm not the creative type so better get thinking...

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