Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Green fly...

.. Which is what I searched for on yon t'internet upon being confronted with this person... Of course, what I was 'helped' with, was much (useful?) advice about how to kill them without the use of harsh chemicals :-/

It was hot (sure to have been the promised 27 degrees I should think?) and I lost the will to sit and search for further ID.
It's a pretty green fly though. I opted to blip this as opposed to a red spider mite, which was rushing around the foliage at a rate that made silverfish look positively sedentary. (Which was why I was pleased to have snapped a shot, though I should probably look for a non chemical deterrent for that one?)

Every day this week I have announced (to the folk awaiting a meal here) that 'I have nothing in'... Every day so far I have come up with something from the store cupboard which has (to my surprise) made a decent meal.
Tonight, I have nothing. (Really... Nothing..).
I have clearly lulled them into a false sense of security.

Hello! I have NOTHING!

It really has been too hot to be bothered to shop :-/

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