Another Day at the Campus
Yesterday I posted a blip looking back at the building where I had spent my day. So today I thought I would show another angle. This poster shows four views from the library building. I was there in the lab on the ground floor from 8:00-5:30. So welcome to my geography.
Top left is looking south at the city--a view rather similar to what we have at home. Home is only a mile away. In this shot you can see the foothills. The library building is just to the right edge of the photo.
The top right is looking toward the northwest and includes the building that is being built and also shows you the amphitheater below me.
Bottom left photo is looking east and again you see some of the amphitheater and also the original building we used when the campus opened 18 years ago.
The bottom right I took when I happened to look out the glass door (used only for emergencies) as I was hurrying students to pack-up and exit the lab so that I could look-up and go home. It was the last--the top tip--of the sun before it sunk into the western horizon. In the shot you can see the end of the foothills as they slope toward the ground. That leaves a large canyon and is where the major highway--the 91 Freeway--slices through the terrain to allow zillions of folks to commute to Orange County for employment.
So I arrived home to have a delicious dinner with Mr. Fun and an old friend, Paul N., who is here from Mesa, Arizona. He's spending the night and then is off to several days of the Winternational Drag Racing at Pomona Speedway. Paul's executive job requires him to be there--he loves every minute of it.
Today was another beautiful summery day in Southern California. They say we had ninety-one degrees yesterday. They are also predicting rain for Thursday and Friday--we hope they are correct.
So that's the view from my world. Good night to everyone in Blipland.
Rosie, aka Carol
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