Up at 7.30 and the stress begins. Literally hundreds of people had to eat breakfast and leave by 8.30... Mel and I left and went to eat breakfast at United with the Solent students as there wasn't many of then.

Up at Christchurch us relays had to welcome people in and usher. Lyndsey Brown spoke... I left to get a tea and ended up missing the whole meeting as a girl was having some kind of fit in the corridor and Est had found her. In the end we got an ambulance and I ushered them in too (full day of ushering for me). They took her to hospital. She was ok in then end, thankfully.

After sorting everyones lunches out we escaped to Clares to have a shower. Oh my life. Amazing. I was SO happy after my shower, it took all my tiredness away. Later I walked into town with Est as she didn't know where she was going. We had a prayer and praise evening which was fab before all the studes left to watch the fireworks. We ordered in takeaway so missed them which is a bit gutting.

Our venues weren't free till later so all the Relays went to the pub. We had to go right to the bottom of town as every pub was packed after the fireworks. I have never seen winch so packed.

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