And There is Light!

I walked up to the doctor office in my half-face patch knowing that people would not want to make eye contact for fear of making the person with the wound evidence self-conscious, and because I am not accustomed to one-eyed vision, I watched the bumps and sidewalk lifts so as to not trip and fall as one's head is not suppose to be lower than one's heart for a week. The unveiling of the new eye lens and its capacity to see was somewhat emotional - guess I was scared.

So all day I marveled at light. People always say how bright my studio is - they are right, really really bright. And this sunset over Lake Union, my home sweet home, seemed real bright. The weather here is so perfect now for early winter, and the weather in the east is so hard on people. Gads life distributes woes so unevenly, be it weather, riches, health - HARD.

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