A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Mi Padre

This is my dad. This was taken in the 60s. You can tell, can't you?

He was taken from us suddenly 30 years ago. He and Mum visited the south of Spain regularly since the 1950s. As did I from the early 60s too.

Those lovely people at my new school are paying for me to send three big boxes of stuff to arrive about the same time as I do.

So Dad's photo is the first item to go in a box.

We always want our parents to be proud of us. I've done a few stupid things I'd rather not shout about, but I hope this time he's proud of me. I've spent a year coming to terms with a difficult situation. Now I feel as though I have come alive again and can't wait to start my new life in Spain.

And I've got lots of room to pack other things too!

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