A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Paradise Revealed

Anyone who reads the drivel on my journal on a regular basis will know I refer to my place of work as Paradise - with some irony!

When I arrived on the Scottish Borders at the end of last year, having left teaching after 30 years, I had high hopes of becoming a freelance web designer and enjoying the freedom of self-employment.

The harsh truth was that, although I do indeed have some clients and have created web sites for a living, the coffers needed considerable swelling from other sources.

So I found myself working in Currys - a most enjoyable if somewhat alien environment.

However, I learned some new skills, made some new friends and discovered that the customer is rarely right, no matter what they think!

It soon became apparent that I would have to return to the classroom to finish my career as it had started - teaching Physics.

But it has to be an adventure, different from what I had been used to in recent years, and hence the move to Spain next week.

So I bade farewell to Paradise and set my sights on new horizons. The Sirens will not call to me again. I wonder how they will manage without me.

Just fine I'm sure.

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