Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Autumn Geese looking for food

Normal busy Thursday apart from me fighting a cold and lack of sleep and the husband in bed poorly. After school drop W and I headed to Hitchin to do a few bits and pieces and get his feet measured. Not quite time for new shoes, much to his disappiontment but it shouldn't be long. He is in the growing room but the lady didn't push new shoes, instead said to keep a close eye on them but I should get a few weeks more out of them. Always nice to shop at the independent stores rather than Clarks or the like where they just dont care!

Home for a play before on to swimming and Music Train. At Music Train W volunteered to go to the front and lead the welcome song, when the birthday boy (who was 4) declined R's invitation to do it. It was the first time we had done this as a class and he had to tap a couple of small balls, initially on his head, in time to the song and everyone had to copy. W then changed the body part being tapped as he felt fit and we had to copy. He did it really well and was really proud of himself when he finished.

Picked up Carys and off to ballet, by this time W had the devil in him. From where I was sitting I could see W for some of his class, he was quite funny, sometimes doing what everyone was doing sometimes doing his own thing. I'm not sure if this is normal for him, as I can't usually see into the classroom. When he came out he ran to me saying "That was great Mummy, I lub it." I did check with the teacher though as to how he was and she said he was fine, not disruptive and very enthusiastic, but yes he does sometimes do his own thing.

Finally got them into bed and then really couldn't find the energy or enthusiasm to do anything but a food shop on line and go to bed with my book.

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