Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Husband still in bed and I had another bad night with both kids waking at one point! So today didn't start well with C having a meltdown before school. All was made up and forgiven before we left for school.

As I didn't feel great I cancelled the gym, can't remember the last time I was there now. Start again Monday unless I haven't shifted this cold. It isn't too bad, but I know better than to exercise with one these days. Quick food shop with the boy and then home for play and lunch before I left him with the awoken and freshly showered, if slightly wobbly Daddy,to head for my breastfeeding supporters course.

Today we were supposed to work in a pair to record ourselves supporting a 'Mum' who had phoned the supporters line and then reflect on it. Jim and I reckoned that I should be able to record straight to the computer via the webcam. Well my partner and I checked the camera was working and the volumes were right and then set about recording. I made a recording and then my partner did hers, then I did a second as I was not happy with my first. Then we decided to play them back. DISASTER! Strangely the computer had recorded the last half of both of my scenarios and only about 10seconds of my partners!!! This is the screen of the computer during part of what was recorded for me. I think we could have both cried. Luckily our tutor came to the rescue and let us record onto her iphone. So twenty minutes later we were finished, but now we have to wait for our Tutor to email us the recording to enable us to reflect on it within 24hrs of recording it.

At school to pick up C and two friends for tea. They played nicely upstairs for the most part, got a little over excited at times but I got them out of dressing up clothes and back into uniform just before Dad arrived to pick them up.

Hoping for a nice weekend. Poppy collecting with the boy tomorrow, meeting friends at a cross country race at Stevenage in the afternoon. Leaving Daddy in isolation for at least 24 if not 48hrs. Roll on next weekend and a lovely wedding and us all being 100% well.

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