Knaresborough. North Yorkshire.

I have been away for a few days, visiting with a friend on the Wirral, then on to stay with my cousin in the Rossendale Valley, Lancashire, where I was born and brought up. 
Onwards to see my sister, who lives in the lovely market town of Knaresborough, where I took the photo as we took a walk down by the River Nidd. 
The scene, with the railway viaduct, is well known and often photographed. 
The beautiful summer weather continues. 
We, my cousin, myself and sister, sat by one of the cafe's on the river walk, which is named "Waterside", just taking time out to catch up on family news, and generally try to avoid the politics of Brexit,  and the visit of President Trump to our shores next week!
How long this spell of glorious hot sunny weather will go on is uncertain, but we are enjoying it whilst it lasts.
    It does have a sting in its tail.........being the hottest summer since 1976, the farmers are suffering for the lack of rain. 
    Our back lawns are burnt. But I don't water the grass, as it always recovers later. 
As I write this the temperature on our kitchen gauge shows 21C. It is not yet 7.00am. 
Another hot day unfolds. 

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