Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


There were only two of us helping at the cafe this morning as we have lost the other helper.  It may not be a concern as we were discussing the plan to convert the cafe into a grocery store selling food overproduction from the main suppliers at one third price to vulnerable and disadvantaged people who sign up to self help, budgeting and cookery courses.  The major suppliers will then offer employment to fulfil a quota of jobs earmarked for unqualified and unskilled people.  The idea is to offer a hand up rather than a hand out. There are other soup kitchens in town servicing immediate needs.
I left my walk in the afternoon until after C. had been rond for a cup of tea as it has been uncomfortably hot.  I was not optimistic about getting a blip but, after a bit of chasing, this butterfly cooperated. I believe it is a ringlet.

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