The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Good As Gold

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Tonight, my parents in-law (Penny and Albert) had a ‘do’ to celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary.

It was a dinner in a very lovely hotel, Raemoir House, for forty people. The family was split over four tables so I had a bit of ‘stranger danger’ fear because I hardly knew anyone and I wasn’t sitting with The Prince, but this soon dissipated. Penny and Albert have great friends with very entertaining chat. My brother-in-law, The Duke, expertly introduced the speeches which were given by Penny, Albert and The Prince. All three speeches were excellent with just the right balance of humour and heartfelt emotion. They ended with The Mini Princesses giving the toast to their grandparents. I was incredibly proud of my beautiful daughters. They were sociable and engaging despite the fact that (other than their parents and uncle), they were the youngest people there by 60 years.

By the end of the evening, there were several ‘wine casualties’. I LOVED seeing people in their seventies and eighties who still have an internal age of 25! Penny and Albert had a great evening (as did everyone) and looked really happy. Fifty years in a happy marriage is a wonderful cause for celebration.

I did almost cry with laughter when one of the guests, who has narcolepsy nodded off and toppled off his chair. It might have been the funniest thing I have seen at a posh dinner. Obviously it was only funny when we were sure he was ok. I’m not a monster!

I would also like to mention that TWO people, thought that I was one of the granddaughters! Yep, not one, but TWO! Admittedly, the people who thought this were in their eighties, a bit p1ssed and on the other side of the room but I’m still taking it!


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