The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Reluctant Butterfly

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Being the social animals we are, we arrived back from Banchory mid afternoon and left 45 minutes later to catch the tail end of another social engagement. Punter and Popps had arrived over from NZ and were having a catch up over lunch with their Edinburgh friends.

If I’m being honest, I felt a bit grumpy about going out again. I was tired from the previous evening and I hadn’t had any lunch. As you both know, being in a state of hunger is not a good thing for me. I become utterly incapable of functioning and making decisions. The whole world becomes very confusing. Throw tiredness into that mix…

Thankfully, I kept my grumpiness on the inside and after I ate, I felt much more enthusiastic about heading out. We headed down to the Raeburn. It was great to see Punter and Popps. Punter and The Prince were at school together so they have that easy camaraderie that you get when you have known someone that long. Punter delivered hugs from you Lovely Tea Jenny although I still think you should have delivered them in person!

It was another spectacular day and we sat outside. I’m sure gin tastes even lovelier in the sunshine. Most people had to head off early evening but we stayed a bit longer chatting to Jenk and Sooj. We called it a night at the crazy hour of 9 pm and headed home to the bliss of watching Arrested Development with the Mini Princesses.


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