
By cowgirl

Tutbury Open Garden Day

Also, Tutbury Farmers Market day. A lot going on for one day!

I met my friend Maria for coffee at midday at the market and had a wander round with her.

After we went our separate ways, I met Sav’s stepmum with her sister and niece. We decided to visit some of the gardens, which I then discovered were supplying cakes and drinks ... but I’d had chips and mushy peas just before.

We saw some lovely gardens but I didn’t have my proper camera with me, so just took a couple,e of snaps with my phone. I liked this little porch and the way the inner supports were used to create storage rather than be clad over.

Back home, quick shower and then off out again with Sav to the cinema to see ‘Tag’, a comedy made more humorous as it’s based on a real life true story, about a group of guys who really did play tag for years!

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