
By cowgirl

Wish I was there!

Wish I was in Wellington to see the British and Irish Lions beat the All Blacks on their own turf for the first time in 24 years!

Fab game too - it took all day for my blood pressure to get back to normal! Luckily the games are early in the morning, so I had all day to calm down ...

Just as the game finished I got a text from my friend with the deerhound to ask if I'd like to go for a walk. We went to a nearby marina for a walk along the canal and a pit stop in one of the coffee shops. The extra shows H and Gracie under a low bridge with the humorous warning against a head injury!

In the afternoon I went to work. I'm working every afternoon at the stable until the end of the month as my boss has gone off to Beijing with some horses from the German stables he worked at last year. These are top class horses, coming from the stable of the German Olympic rider, Ludger Beerbaum, and going to riders of the Chinese national team. Richard is making sure they get there ok, and then will help the new owners get to know them.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Richard's mum, Hilary, is holding the fort, with help from myself and the lady who does the morning shift. Luckily we also have a friend of Richard's who is an agricultural contractor and does some work on the farm side of the yard. He helps Hilary with the more spirited youngsters as he's a well set chap and they can't pull him around like they can us!

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