Birthday Sleepover

This is the best of a bad bunch of photos I took tonight during Miss E's birthday sleepover with Miss M and Miss A.
Despite appearances they were having a fantastic time scoffing pizza and scaring themselves with Creeped Out
Oh my God it was terrifying - one episode involved a group of girl scouts in tents in the woods getting possessed, tilting their heads to one side and chanting - horrifyingly - La la la la la la -sort of to the tune of I Know Something You Don't Know. All slowly and menacingly as they zombie marched toward you with manic grins on their faces. Hideous!!!!!!
It is a CBBC programme just in case it sounds like I'm letting them watch the Horror Channel at Midnight!!!
I went to bed pretty early and left them to it. By all accounts they were very good and didn't stay up too late! Or if they did they were quiet enough to get away with it!

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