Journey Through Time

By Sue

Move the little arrows....

...all the way to the right in iPhoto and this is what you get. These are blueberry leaves from one of our two bushes that we have and they do turn a lovely orange, but since I just did an Autumn leaf yesterday and this is all the photography I was able to do today, I decided to just put up a maxed out leaf.

Took my iMac to the MacPac store and they installed another gig of memory for me. I'd had the memory chip thingies for quite a while, but was unable to do it on my own. None of us could get the little screw unscrewed at the bottom of the computer and then pull out the little screen thingie. The nice Tech guy used his high tech bent paper clip to pull it apart. Nice to know some things will never be replaced. He also did a quick evaluation of the computer and cleaned up some things that I'd done wrong. I have no idea how I ended up with THREE different iPhoto photo libraries. Seriously? So, that was brought down to one. I'm scared to delete stuff, I think. Then he explained to the computer challenged woman that APPLICATIONS don't belong on the desktop. Oh. So, now that I am home, it's behaving quite nicely. Yay! AND, no charge. YAY again.

A lady that I've known since I was 19 years old came to my aunties and I went over so that we could have a good old fashioned gab fest. It was fun catching up with her in person. We went to business school together and rode the bus into Portland and walked the 6 blocks to the school together for a year. She is the one, who, when I had my 20th birthday, came to this same apartment, as I was living with my aunt (who was away on vacation at the time, I couldn't go, I was in school..blah, blah) and she shut herself up in that little kitchen, with the door closed, to bake and make my "cut out" birthday cake. This is before we recorded every damn thing we did, and I don't even have a photo of this cake. But, a bunch of friends from the school came over, and she brought out this cake. I think it was in the shape of a swan... maybe. Anyway...she had sprinkled white coconut flakes all over the cake and it was sooo cute. She was very proud and she said, Okay, blow out the candles!! I did. And coconut flakes went all over everywhere!! Well, it made my 20th birthday memorable anyway. If it wasn't for that incident, that birthday might have gotten lost in the brain gunk in the lost birthday file. No Apple tech will ever find that.
So, a good day I think, overall.

And now I am off to contemplate the feeding of the menfolk. I still have leftovers of the shephard's pie...but maybe they want something else. Catch ya later!

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