
By GracieG

The Mighty Oak

Have you ever gone out with the wrong lens on your camera?  Annoying, isn’t it?  That’s exactly what I did today when B, A and I went for a gentle bimble (due to the heat) to the grounds of Blickling Hall this morning.
I had taken my wide-angle lens instead of my mid-range one.  So, I was a little restricted with what shots I could take, which was a particular shame as we saw a beautiful barn owl flying about and perching obligingly on a dead tree.
However, I did notice this beautiful mature oak tree, pretty old I should think, and witness to years of history.  Trees are such wonderful living things; our world would be a very sad place without them (not to mention that we might all be dead due to lack of oxygen!)
When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.
Peter Marshall
The extra is a shot of Blickling Hall from the lake.

PS: Well done the England Football were brilliant!

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