
I am tryng to make the most of my last weekend in Florida! At lunch time I went to Celebration Town with friends and had some lovely fish and chips. Tonight after work I went to Celebration Town to join in the celebrations of Sweet Sixteen - 16yrs of Communty within Celebration.
Tonight they had Civic & Service Group Carnival in Market Street. There were stalls and also music, and youngsters were singing and dancing in the street. It was lovely just sitting in Starbucks listening to the music and singing.

There are activities taking place all over the weekend, Fishing Tournament, Veterans Parade and Ceremony, Town photo which is where all the neighbours join in for a group photo, Picnic, Celebration-opoly Game Birthday Concert in the evening. Then on Sunday ther is a 5k and 10k run

Tomorrow night I will be down in Celebration and will be dining at The Columbia, which has been founded since 1905. I am meeting up with my ex's aunty, I have not seen her in the UK for over a year. She flew out to Florida from the UK and Wednesday.

I am in two minds what to do tomorrow, do not know whether to go for a bike ride and take the camera, or go Downtown Disney. So I will see how I feel when I wake up. At some point I have to clean the apartment that I am staying in, hmmm no fun!

I only have a week left, and I have to start thinking about packing my gear up, and checking weight etc. I should be okay as I am travelling Premium Economy, which means I can have x2 cases at 23kg each, and hand luggage, so I should be ok.

Tonight I have brought 3 very delicate glass silver christmas trees, which change colour, they are gorgeous, if I say so myself. Just hope I get them home in one piece.

I am going to miss Thanks Giving the week after I leave and also the Christmas Celebration. I would have liked to be here for Christmas for the experience. This adventure has been one big adventure, I have celebrated Oktoberfest, Halloween which were both great experiences. The streets on Halloween were like being on Oxford Street, they were heaving!

This picture is across the lake at the Celebration Bohemiem Hotel in Celebration Town. I have spent a lot of my spare time here, in Starbucks, as it allows me to get onto wifi, and keep in contact with my friends. It wa s a beautiful evening with red clouds in the sky, which were reflecting in the lake.

Still who knows what the future holds for me in 2013, I could be coming back!

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