
A new occupant of the postbox (see previous incarnations here_) I've put her in colour in the extras too for she's looking very jolly. Just in time for the rather fiendish challenge that is this month's Mono Monday on Vices & Virtues. Chastity is synonymous with sexual purity and is one of the seven virtues, placed opposite to Lust which is not!  And you don't get more chaste than herself. It actually gets a bit more complicated if you look into it but I'm feeling too slothful to do that! Thanks to s_bi for the challenge.

Another scorcher. The red tide is still prevalent but oddly Kitchen Cove was crystal clear so I risked a swim. Foxes are finding the heat exhausting - here's Fergal today, and yes, that towel was nicked from my laundry basket some time ago.

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