secret garden

By freespiral

Bácan Bán

When at dawn she sighs, and like an infant to the window
Turns grave eyes craving light, released from dreams,
Beautiful she looks, like a white water-lily
Bursting out of bud in havens of the streams.
When from bed she rises clothed from neck to ankle
In her long nightgown sweet as boughs of May,
Beautiful she looks, like a tall garden-lily
Pure from the night, and splendid for the day.'
From 'Love in the Valley' by George Meredith (1828 – 1909) 

Everything but the roses, sunflowers and water lilies are looking parched! We have a large and wild pond with large and wild water lilies competing with the parrot grass, rushes and water hyacinth. I think these are wild one but I cannot be 100% sure  but I shall enter them for Miranda's challenge. They are currently gracing lakes as well as my garden.

My head has been severely challenged today - first off a large order of new cards had to be dealt with. This involved Photoshop and it's all changed since I last used it.  Then I had to wrestle with some tax issues - I am of course organised but in a slightly less conventional way than is usual. Then I had to consider Irish teaching pensions - another nightmare that will involve forms. Irish bureaucrats love a good form - the longer and more obscure the better. 
And now we're having water problems - we have our own well but the filter is playing up and everything is salty. We are waiting on J to come to our rescue.
I went for a swim, Kitchen Cove still free of the red tide which is now rather smelly elsewhere. The water is actually warm ( a staggering 18C) - , and it was lovely. Two families were on the strand with a gang of little boys - 5/6 year olds I would have thought, and they were having a ball. Simple pleasures - sandcastles, shell finding, splashing, jumping - and not a technological device to be seen.

Himself went for a quick yomp around the circuit and spotted a coachload of Morris Men enjoying tea in the Heron Gallery garden. Not a sight you see very often here. It was closing time or I'd have nipped up there. I love Morris Men.

And just hearing the wonderful news about the Thai cave rescue. What an impressive and heroic international rescue,  fantastic that all the boys are okay; tinged with sadness remembering the diver who gave his life. A good news story for once.

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