Bee rescue

Tim's birthday today :)  We woke up reasonably early so that he could get on with some serious bike maintenance / updating.  I'd bought him various bits he needed (a new chainset, bottom bracket, cassette), and he successfully replaced all of them - and was very happy about it :)

I cleaned the bathroom this morning, then popped down to Sainsbury's this afternoon.  Called my Mum before I left, so that Tim could thank her for his present from her - and then chatted to her on the way down there.  Also dropped off some stuff at the charity shop.  Bought various bits and pieces for our dinner this evening and for tomorrow when Tim's friend is coming to watch the England match at ours.

Did a bit more cleaning when I got back, and Tim hoovered - then went into the bathroom and found a very dozy bee in the bath, so I mixed up some sugar water in a spoon - which the bee lapped up.  Of course I then had to take a few photos.  The bee did still seem a little dozy, but I helped it up to the window and after crawling around a bit, it flew off :)

Very happy to see that the final four boys and their football coach were brought out of the cave in Thailand today - after being stranded in there for over two weeks.  What an amazing mission.

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