Caña Club reflections

We had our last team meeting this morning, before we go away on our big trip (Saturday morning we leave!)...tonight we had Caña Club - we started in Nude so we'd be able to see Chris and Amanda...then headed to our usual café for the football and pintxos...a lovely evening with everyone. It's not easy to all make everything in the summer, so it was special to have a full turn out. 
On our way home we saw a homeless friend we've not seen in a while, turns out he's been desperately ill in we feared. He's skin and bones, hardly recognised him... He's meant to be on a diet of rice and plain chicken...not easy to get as a homeless man...needless to say we'll cook for him tomorrow. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time to pray with the 24-7ers.
2) The way Nate looks at Asha, full of adoration.
3) Seeing Ricardo again.

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