twinned with trumpton


A lie in; it was not the best of mornings as we'd expected to be up and out and into the NW Highlands, but after a brief discussion, we went to the station on the bikes and went to Armadale. To get my camera and then cycle back home along NCN route 75.

Al handed over the camera at 1230; I had no navigational difficulties. His was the hoose with the car propped up on some bricks with no back wheel on it.... Had it been Muirhouse, then there might have been a problem.

With a tail wind and the prospect of a brightening day, we began the trek back into town; around the south side of Bathgate and past the Pyramids; across the M8 and Seafield Law with its myriad of butterflies and crept into the west end of Livingston; the sweet smell of whisky and a close encounter with a raptor as we wound into Starlaw. 
Soup was taken at Livvy toon centre (ish) by the river with barely a soul about in the sunshine. And then onwards; the sharp climb to Mid Calder; the less sharp climb to Kirknewton and onwards to Long Dalmahoy Road; gloriously peaceful and epic panoramic views,
Another nasty wee climb into Balerno and then a swift descent down Lanark Road and Asda for supplies. 
Suitably laden, we headed to hers; dropped the shopping and settled in for the pasta dinner we should have had the night before on the banks of Loch Cluanie. 
With G due back, a tactical withdrawal was called for and off I went to a hot bath and a comfy bed and a long sleep. 58km - hardly an epic journey but fun and an adventure for a lot of it. 

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