Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Watch Dog

Our neighbor has a big black shepherd x lab mix named Max. He is the biggest sweetheart when you are on his property. He leans into you looking for all the pets. When we are outside on our side however he barks constantly at our every move. Corra has taken it upon herself to run him off when he comes too close. Hilariously, Max, being probably 3x Corra's size, runs off at her approach. Corra hurt herself last night in class, and while she seems to be doing just fine this evening, I was not letting her run full tilt. So here she is, giving him the stink eye!

We finally decided on some concrete plans for our upcoming vacation. We are going to Vermont for 3 days - staying in a really cute little inn and going horseback riding one of the days. Beyond that, we are still figuring out what to do. I can't wait for a break however!

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