
Before I left work I took a quick snap of two documents sitting on my desk:

1. Salford’s new Homelessness Strategy was launched this week. It’s a huge and complex issue at the moment, and the Homelessness Reduction Act which came into force in April gives local authorities a lot of big Challenges. Salford is stepping up to meet it

2. A different sort of homelessness. All the improvements we are making to our homes are denying Swifts the traditional nest sites they have used. They are very attached to their nest sites - if a pair loses it’s home, it does not move elsewhere but stops breeding. The population has fallen by over 50% in the last 20 years. So we are having a conversation about getting housebuilders et al to integrate swift bricks into their constructions. The good news is, it is easy to do

And some news. It is raining heavily this evening. Thank goodness.

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