Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A LOT of tennis

This morning a wee friend from the gym came to visit. She's a regular there, and the staff are very good with her, helping her with her balance exercises. She chats to everyone, too. She lives in a retirement home, so was very impressed with our outside space. Sometimes the lift at her place isn’t working, which isn’t so good if you live on the third floor.

We dropped her off at her flat on the way up the hill with Archie. There was an ominous dark sky, but it was warm. There were lots of young folk up on the hill, filming for a kids' programme, apparently. We were asked to keep Archie on a lead and to walk by quickly, as 'one of the cast is scared of dogs'...

JR decided to walk home with Archie, though it did look like rain, and sure enough, by the time I arrived home in the car, it was pouring! Actually, it was quite pleasant. The pavements got a good wash, and everything looks fresh and clean. But I did get a frantic phone call to come and pick them up at the duck pond.

Archie and I settled down for an afternoon of tennis. And what a first match, though I must admit, at 6 hours 30 minutes, it was just toooo long. How will Anderson recover for the final? It's just too cruel.

I thought this shot would have been better if they'd been right in the middle of the flowers (weeds?) but JR refused - there were too many thistles.

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