Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

New Officers

Apart from the ironing and watching the news about Donald's Trump's visit to the UK, this is the most significant thing we did today...

A 2pm meeting was scheduled, thankfully at the Norwegian Seaman's Centre, so not too far for us. After a year without anyone to take meetings, two new officers arrived last week, and today we had a combined meeting to welcome and install them. They have a young family and my blip actually has three seven-year-olds in it! [In a little aside, the girls were asked to make a promise to help their parents in their new role!]

It was a happy afternoon, made even better by being able to have an extended chat with the pianist you can see in the picture about his interest in rock music during his teens, and Christian music and artists in general. Just the kind of conversations I love!

And it's been suggested we become Adherents, so I came home and looked that up!

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