
Apparently I have missed my "Official" 11 years on Blip due to all the back-blipping I have been doing due to my holiday (starting Here) in Sicily.
My real start date was 18th April 2007 and I have missed 5 or 6 days due to illness. The other missing days are down to my entries disappearing into the ether without a trace ….. that is about 90 days! (I am sure the last time I checked on an 'anniversary' it was only 60).

I took Bags and The Cygnet in to Edinburgh for his check up x-ray and chat with the doctor and physiotherapist this morning. We arrived at 08.00 for a 09.00 appointment due to the surprisingly light traffic.
They went for a drink and a pastry - I went to Blackford pond to take pictures of the ducks (and seagulls). While I was sitting enjoying the peace and quiet and trying to figure out how best to shoot and process the bike I had a look at my phone to see if there was a message about the expected length of time Bags thought they might be. There was no signal …. despite my being able to see 3 radio masts from where I was sitting. 
So I headed back to the car and as I got there I got a call to say that they were ready to be collected. 09.15 ……….. pretty efficient I would say.
Apart from the time The Cygnet was at the hospital and Squirrel was at gymnastics they have done their best to wind each other up - and succeeded in winding me up.
TFI Friday!

SWMBO and I were out at Chicken Lady's for dinner tonight (she supplied the main and we supplied the desert). We were catching up on gossip and making arrangements for me to look after her 'girls' while she is on holiday. 

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