
By Cailleach

Let's get physical....

Whenever I see a rainbow, with its wonderful light refraction, I think of two different men, both teachers.

I think of my 'O' grade physics teacher, Wee Roddy, who was absolutely terrifying......

He was one of those people who controlled a classs with a combination of humiliation and sarcasm, delighting in making even the most confident child feel smaller than a split atom. I often used to beg my parents to let me drop out of his lessons.

I also think of DBK, a guidance teacher......

He told me that nobody had the right to make anyone else feel insignificant or stupid. He said that if I gave in, and gave up, then my self respect was at risk....but if I stayed on and did my best, then I could hold my head up, no matter how awful my exam result might ultimately be.

I still don't really know how or why rainbows appear ......but I do know what a wise old daddy I had......

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