Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Photo Challenge...

... This has been one of the busiest weeks for me.
So much so that I have no image at all for yesterday. (Not even an emergency blip from the phone).
A bereavement took the wind out of my sails. A friend, not the closest friend, but a most dear and special lady. Her loss leads me to the reminder that we are all on this planet for but a short sojourn (and we are all linked).
Also, I feel (uncomfortably) that I should have/could have done more.

Today though... Was shared joyously with family.

Also I took part in a Photo Challenge (with one of my Most Dear and Precious People: A day for future memories and for treasuring).

The Challenge sounded easy but was Tough.
Six 'themes' were given (like, 'Together' and 'Wet').
The images had to be submitted within a six hour time frame, in the given order (on a memory card which was empty, save for the six themed images). This meant they had to be found in the right order, and there was no going back! No trimming or manipulation was permitted, the images had to be straight from the camera (no safety net).
A clever challenge.

The above image is my (now)  cropped one for the theme of 'Together'.
I shan't be winning any prizes but it was enormous fun.
My partner in crime felt the same way though her entries were, I feel, miles better than mine. 

I have just realised that it was Friday the 13th yesterday.
This is a day which usually comes and goes for me, but yesterday I feel it lived up to its reputation.

Happy Saturday One and All.

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